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1.What is the average monthly disposable income (current income less current expenses):
2. What is your age : ( Linear scale , According to the age of the registrar, the above score will be accepted.
If you register an age below 18, you can not proceed to the next question and note * You can not open an account when you are under 18)
3.What is the expected investment range?
4.* What is the purpose of money ?
For example: purchasing property, family assistance, pension, inheritance for children, receiving current income from investment, no designation for money at the moment
5.What is the level of knowledge and experience in the capital market (you can mark more than one).
6.amount I wish Investment : ( number in $)
7.The percentage of the portfolio out of total liquid assets (Linear scale from 0-100%)
8. You got up in the morning and your investment portfolio shows a 10% loss.
How would you react?
Heading 5
9.Investing in securities and financial assets often involves certain periods of volatility and portfolio value may drop so:
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